Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm in the eating phase of recovery

I'm coming to terms with reality. By stuffing my face with giant cookies.

My shins are not better. They don't hurt when I walk or anything but when I press down, I feel a subtle pain. The pain is lower, more towards my ankle, than when I've had shin splints in the past.

I'm getting ready to email the race organizer for my 7.5 mile trail run scheduled next weekend to cancel. Only 225 runners were allowed and it sold out so I feel like I should give my spot to someone who is healthy. It just isn't in my best interest to run on a trail for 7.5 miles, even if I do feel better soon. I need to start all over and actually build a better base. Duh.

What a stupid, stupid thing I've done to my body.

Now, let's hurry up and get better and move on so that I can (properly) train for Portland.

And eat a few more chocolate chunk cookies while I wait.


Misty said...

Sorry about your injury. :(
I enjoy your blog ang look foward to hearing about your recovery!

Anonymous said...

Are you going to go to the dr, just to confirm your suspicions? Maybe it isn't as bad as you think? Either way, it might be good to know exactly what's going on, so that you know how much time you need to take off.

In the meantime, enjoy those cookies - you definitely deserve a little indulgence.

Anonymous said...

Oh NO! I'm so sorry, Kym. I agree with Michelle-- get yourself to a doc so at least you know what you are dealing with.

Jenny, Maniac #401 said...

I too, am a chronice shin splint sufferer. I use ice cups and advil as my main therapy, but when I have an event coming up I go to a therapist for 2 or 3 weeks that uses A.R.T. therapy, it hurts, but really works. The website can help you find people in your area. Hope you heal soon!

Backofpack said...

Dang! I hope you heal up soon too. I feel bad, somehow I lost track of your blog - I'm glad you commented so I can get back to it.

As for the on the hill, we go to the original one - the first one in town. When we're over at the Park, we go to the one in Old Town.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the rest, Kym. I hope those cookies do the trick and heal your leg! ;) (((HUGS))) It really sucks to have to wait and wait and wait. You know if you went to the doctor, maybe you could get some physical therapy and at least get some massages and ice treatments. (Since your dh doesn't do massages! ;) -Lynn

J~Mom said...

Cookies always make life better. Sorry you had to cancel your train run!

Ms Eva said...

Injuries suck! But you'll be back in your running shoes in no time. I'll likely have to miss the Eugene Marathon I'd been training for, but we'll have to meet up for Portland!