Monday, April 30, 2007

I Like to Do Things The Hard Way

I am going about this whole running thing all backwards here in Arizona. You see, I finally made it through my first marathon back in November and then immediately afterwards, my motivation and running life plummeted.

I tried to revive it a few times throughout December and January and even PR'ed a few races. Nothing like a good ol' PR to lift the running spirits, eh? Eh. Not so much. I then struggled with some shin injury (truth be told, I still have some occasional pains in my right shin).

What was that thing I said about running a race a month and that I had finally arrived as a runner? The winter blues hit me hard. It is so screwed up when you think about it. I mean, where else can you run in the middle of January in shorts and a tank top and sunglasses? Folks who deal with Old Man Winter are probably sending me evil glares and harumphs. But running...was the last thing I wanted to do.

I started working out with a personal trainer a few months ago and it has been some of the best money I've ever spent. I love the strength that I've built and my trainer knows just what I need and when I need it. He is kind and constantly says such wonderful self-esteemy building things. And. He also knows how to Kick. My. Ass. I've had more than one session where barfing crossed my mind. I have a stomach of steel so you know those must've been some heavy duty sessions. How about squatting 130 pounds?

But I love it nonetheless. And as I've gotten stronger from my workouts and, not coincidentally, as the days have gotten longer and warmer, I've found myself back out on the trails and roads with much more frequency and much more enthusiasm. Sadly, the heat quickly squelches much of my enthusiasm and as I panted my way though 3.5 miles in 94 degree weather, I wondered where my sanity had gone.

I don't yet know where I'll be this coming winter. Or even through this summer. If I'm lucky, I'll be in the northwest, training for Portland in mild weather. Or perhaps I'll still be here and will have to once again suffer through 13 and 16 and 20 milers in 90+ Arizona heat.

But that's okay. I'll miss it this winter no matter where I'm at.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Relaxed Running

Although my mileage is a bit low right now, I've been very consistently getting out to run. I'm playing the single parent game right now so my runs have been with a very heavy jogging stroller and the winds here have been astronomical lately so suffice it to say, I'm getting a good workout.

I've been running with a few buddies since last July. Prior to that, I always ran alone. As our friendship has continued, we've become more relaxed about our running together. Want to walk that last quarter mile home? Sure. Why to shoot for 5.5 instead of 4? Hey, let's go for it! Speed isn't much of a concern right now. We're just going out there and having fun.

I completed my first ever marathon in a really dismal time last November. I'm proud of my finish. The course was hot and hilly. But the time also nags at me. I know I can do better. So this year, I'm going all out for the Portland Marathon in October. The best part? I have friends who are much faster runners than me but who have happily signed on for the ride so that I can get my PR.

I was never part of any athletic teams growing up but whenever I thought about running, I always assumed it was a solo sport. You went out and you ran as fast as you could. It was about your individual performance. But you wanna know the best thing that I have gained out of becoming a runner?

The amazing feeling of being part of a team. Joining a group of fellow runners who support each other and who push each other and who celebrate each other's accomplishments. For a really beautiful example, check out these two blogs of the Running Chick and Jeff. It is an amazing story of a woman on her journey towards her first Boston Marathon and a friend who has been through it all with her until the finale when he flew cross-country and ran with her in this year's race with those awful running conditions.

The best part of it is knowing that I have friends who would do the same for me. And that I would do it for them too in a heartbeat. And what a wonderful feeling that is to have found such an awesome sport.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fingers and Toes Crossed

The Hubs has 2 interviews in the next week in the Seattle-area. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed or send prayers for us. Wear your lucky charms, dance and chant to the job goddesses. Whatever feels right for you, ya know? Thanks so much and I'll keep you posted...I can almost smell the ocean and fir trees...