Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Going to Eat These Words

I'm shivering cold here in Arizona. We've had some cold weather (what is even technically called freezing!) and I've about had it. This cold crap is for the birds! Say, some nice penguins...I'm ready for spring. Maybe even summer.

Herein lies the issue: I run at night. Don't try to convince me to run in the morning. It won't happen. I often must take my darling toddler along for the ride. On nights like tonight, when the wind is of the Arctic variety, I can't take her. She won't wear a blanket, she won't keep gloves on and...she never complains. I learned my lesson the hard way when we braved the cold for 4 miles only to get back to the car where she finally admitted, "Mommy. My hands are cold." And they were beet red, those tiny little fingers.

Talk about mommy guilt.

So, reluctantly, I bailed out of a run tonight, one that I was actually looking forward to because although I can suck it up, it isn't fair to expect my little gal to be dragged along for the ride. :-(

I'll take 93 degrees over 33 anyday. You can quote me on that one.


J~Mom said...

Oh boy do I hear you on this!!! I am tired of being cold!!!!!! I want my 100 degree evenings back! Get outta our state old man winter! ;>)

Anonymous said...

I guess I am a true Yankee - I'll take cold weather over hot weather any day. I'm really dreading training through August in New England, and will be looking to you for some tips on running on super hot days!

Devra said...

How about I come and watch your daughter so you can run? That way I can also absolve your mommy guilt.

It's 20 degrees here and I miss Arizona! : )