Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cry Like a Baby

Why is it that I can watch a preview clip of tonight's Grey's Anatomy without any sound at all (no speakers on my work computer) and it is clearly a funny clip and I start to tear up like a baby? That show makes me an emotional wreck!

Speaking of wrecks, my body is a wreck. I think I might be injured but I'm in denial and not ready to admit it yet. My hubby may be right--I was probably really stupid for running that half marathon a few weeks ago without proper training. Actually, I felt good afterwards. And during mostly. Tired? Yes. Leg cramping from the cold after? Yes. But otherwise? I was surprised at how quickly I bounced back and how the race, overall, had seemingly little effect on me.

But I may have been wrong. I went for a social run last Friday night (think The Amazing Race, only with runners on a university campus and the prize is beer, not money. My team came in 2nd place!) and afterwards, my ankles and shins told me, under no uncertain terms, that they were NOT HAPPY. Shin splints? Maybe? I get those...the cause is doing too much too soon. I've definitely done that., right? By Monday I was feeling better.

Except I ran on Tuesday night and it hurt while I ran and after. Shin splints, for me, usually go away during a run and only flare up after. And? The part that I don't want to admit? Is that my shins are still a little tender. And all my Dr. Googling is pointing towards stress fractures rather than shin splints.

But, I'm in denial. If I were to admit that I might actually have gone and wrecked my body, I would cry. I'm not ready to go there yet. I'm taking ibuprofen and I'm taking one week off from running and I'll re-evaluate next week. I'm scared because if it is stress fractures, I'll have to take more time off. Much more time off. And I just don't want to think about that yet.

I know I'm being a whiny baby. I know who have been through injury and come back on the other side victorious. I know this isn't the end of my running career. But, running is something I've become dependent upon. No other form of exercise has been so important to me. And so, I'm looking at my gym's classes, making plans for the just in case. But. I hope. For the best.


Anonymous said...

Oh no!

You know that I know how you're feeling right now..... my heart sank as I read this.

I hope, hope, hope, hope, hope it's not a stress fracture, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that it's not.

You're totally not being a whiny baby, by the way. It sucks to not be able to do something that makes you so happy.

J~Mom said...

Ice!!! Are you icing? Ibuprofen and rest!! Really keeping my fingers crossed for you as well!!!

I have had shin splints that have gone on for weeks. Maybe they are just really bad shin splints?

Keep us posted!