Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Summer Can't Come Soon Enough

Wait? Did I really just say that?!

Oh you bet your bottom dollar I did! That is because the Hubs was offered a job today and we're gonna accept it. Locale? The most awesome, gorgeous Puget Sound!!! We're going back home!!!

I can't shout that loud enough, "We're going home!"

I don't know where we're living yet or what I'll be doing and there is still the not-so-small matter of selling our house in a buyer's market. I don't have a moving date yet but it will happen this summer.

I don't think I realized how much I really wanted this, to move back to our old town, until it became a reality. I tried so hard to live in the moment and be happy with where I was. But now that it is actually happening, I can't wait to GO.

So like I said, summer simply cannot come soon enough!!!


Backofpack said...

Well, where is the job located? Give us a general area....I mean, you could join the infamous Y Run Club if you're close enough!

J~Mom said...

Congrats!!!!!!!! I am excited for you guys!!!