Sunday, May 6, 2007

Week in Review: Week of 4/30

For the past, oh, I dunno, several MONTHS, I've been running (and not running) just for the sake of running. I haven't had any huge ambitions to go far or fast. My running has been largely social and just a way to escape the stresses of my life.

But then I looked at the calendar and realized that, UH-OH, if I actually want to run any upcoming races, then I better get my rear in gear! SO, I used Runner's World handy-dandy little training tools and printed out an official plan for the upcoming SeaFair Half Marathon in Seattle in July 8. I started a 10 week plan on Monday and, in an effort to become more accountable again, the weekly reviews have once again returned!

So here goes the first official week of half marathon training:

Tues- 1 hr of Personal Training (PT), 3.2 mi
Thur-5.25 tempo
Fri-1 hr PT
Sun-6 mi ("long" run)
Total: 17.45

All in all, a good week. I was able to get out several times without the jogging stroller and I felt so much stronger, lighter and faster without it. On the flip side, this was likely the last cool week we will have for a very long time. Temps were "only" in the 80s for running...and the forecast sees the temps creeping up this coming week. And they won't be coming back down!

But my body is adjusting to the heat again slowly and I've brought back the Gatorade to the longer runs. Hello hat and Gatorade and fuel belt! Let the training begin!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm jealous of your half-marathon - still pouting about having to give up on mine - but congrats for getting in your first week of training! I am NOT jealous of that heat, though..... ick!