Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Why Can't I Be One of Those People?

Have you ever driven around and seen those garage sales where absolutely EVERYTHING is for sale, including used toiletries and half eaten boxes of cookies? Every knife, fork, spoon and every teeny tiny little toy is all for the taking? MOVING SALE! ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED!

I went to one of these sales about a year ago and even the HOUSE was for sale. This family was moving abroad to London and it appeared that all they planned to take with them were the clothes on their back.

You know what I call that?


WHY can't I be one of those people? Why?!

I am in cardboard box hell over here and there is no end in sight. I'd like to place an ad on Craig's List that says, "Take my crap away!"

And yes, even the house comes with it. The cute little kid with the pigtails though? She is not negotiable.


Pat said...

I feel your pain. Moving is really tough, especially in this market. I'm a Realtor up in chandler, az and I have several clients in the same boat as you. How's the market in Tacoma? If it is a buyer's market there, the money you lose down here might be made up for with a great deal up there. The homes that are selling up here tend to be the lowest priced ones compared to similar homes.

Good luck, Pat

J~Mom said...

I have so much trouble lightening the load when moving. I am like if I wanted it here why won't I want it there. LOL I hope it's all going well!!