Monday, June 18, 2007

We All Got To Make A Livin'

I totally love that show Dirty Jobs. There are some nasty things that people do on a daily basis, aren't there?

And although this job does not qualify as "dirty" I think it would totally suck in a BIG WAY to have to be one of those professional packers. How painful would it be to have to go into someone's home every day and pack each little item into nicely wrapped little newspaper print packages and section it all away into cardboard box after cardboard box.

Just when I think I'm making progress, I open yet another closet. And I haven't even touched my daughter's room yet. Sigh...

But in less than two weeks, lovely little men will come and haul my stuff away in a truck and I will gladly wave goodbye to all of my hard work over the last few weeks.

Speaking of jobs, I have yet another interview with another organization. Yippee! It is a phone interview with a TEN person panel. And I have to give a 10 minute presentation. GULP.

And my big interview is fast approaching this week! My mom is flying down here to take care of my daughter so I can fly up there and dazzle people with my fundraising prowess and they will immediately say, Please work for us!!!" Right? Right? Positive thoughts can take you care. Keeping my mental status in check. It is like a marathon. Without the GU!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Parenting Tirade

This may come as somewhat of an odd statement but I do not believe in the supposed importance of teaching "sharing" to children. But, I don't think this is a strange philosophy when you consider my reasoning.

Natalie's school was closed for a few days this week which gave us a great opportunity to go do some fun things together. I asked her if she wanted to go to the zoo or the children's museum. She chose the children's museum (and I was glad because the zoo would've been hot!).

When we arrived, it was obvious we were not the only ones in search of respite from the heat. The place was packed with kids. We found a fun puzzle that required matching block shapes to the corresponding picture and she enjoyed that. That is, until another little child came barging next to her and grabbing pieces and working on the puzzle with her. Perhaps you don't see this as a problem? Aw, how cute, two little kids working on a puzzle together? Natalie and I though both saw it as an invasion of space. This was Natalie's "work" and anothe child was basically intruding. Natalie did not protest--she simply decided to go work on something else as the puzzle lost its appeal.

At some point, we came to a wooden train table. Natalie loves trains and nobody was there so she immediately sat down and started pushing trains around. Another child came up and, even though there were other trains to play with, grabbed a few cars directly out of Natalie's hands! I immediately looked for a parent and gave her a dirty look and her reaction was, "Oh ______, let's share the toys!" But she did NOT take the trains away and give them back to Natalie. She really just poo-pooed the offense. I'm not sure what the child learned by hearing his mom say, "Share!" without actually even demonstrating the practice.

Let's put these two different things into another perspective. Let's say you're at a bookstore perusing a pile of books. They are clearly in your hands, your territory. And another adult walks up to you and physically grabs a book out of your hand and begins reading it. His/her response? "Let's share!" Does that sound okay to you?

Or what if you're at your local Starbucks, enjoying your coffee and working on a crossword puzzle. You enjoy the challenge of figuring it out for yourself. Would you be okay with it if another adult came up to you, looked over your shoulder and shouted out, "That answer is banana!"

In both of these situations, it is clearly an invasion of space in the adult world and would not be socially acceptable. But for some reason, parents think that children should be okay with sharing a piece of work or toy. Time and time again, I see parents who use this buzzword, "share!" when their child has acted inappropriately. By the time we left the museum, I was rather disgusted with the behavior I saw in many children who are far old enough to know better.

I should clarify that I do believe that children, at some point, should be willing to share and that they should understand the concept. There have been many times when I will take Natalie to Starbucks and she asks for a special treat and I will say, "Yes, but we will share it." And she also offers to share food, toys, projects with me and others. The idea of sharing is reciprocal and any expectation of sharing is understood ahead of time. I will also ask her if I may please have a bite of her cookie or whatever it may be, rather then just grabbing something from her. I believe this is much more respectful and is how I would hope she behaves throughout her own life.

Sharing is a nice concept. But it must be done in a way that is acceptable to both parties. Either of Natalie's situations at the museum could have been much more pleasant experiences if the parents had set the expectation that it is certainly okay to ask another child if they can join in a game or share a toy. Natalie is not a selfish or greedy child and would have very happily offered to share her toys. But when they were rudely taken from her, she was bewildered. And so was I.

I don't know yet how to handle other children in public places. I would never reprimand another child unless the offense was something great (if a child hits my child without reason, you know I'm going to step in!). I also understand that there are many parenting styles and that ultimately, mine not be the right one. But, I do fully expect that a parent should be watching their children, even in these public spaces. You don't get to relax just because your child is somewhere safe. Unfortunately, I see parents slacking often in these types of situations. Ultimately, I believe the children are going to suffer the consequences of this. And that makes me sad.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Why Can't I Be One of Those People?

Have you ever driven around and seen those garage sales where absolutely EVERYTHING is for sale, including used toiletries and half eaten boxes of cookies? Every knife, fork, spoon and every teeny tiny little toy is all for the taking? MOVING SALE! ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED!

I went to one of these sales about a year ago and even the HOUSE was for sale. This family was moving abroad to London and it appeared that all they planned to take with them were the clothes on their back.

You know what I call that?


WHY can't I be one of those people? Why?!

I am in cardboard box hell over here and there is no end in sight. I'd like to place an ad on Craig's List that says, "Take my crap away!"

And yes, even the house comes with it. The cute little kid with the pigtails though? She is not negotiable.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


My blog posting has been sporadic at best and I often sit down to write a post and then wonder how I could possibly write down everything that is in my brain in the few short moments I have. I have so many other things to tackle at the moment that it leaves little time for the pleasureable things, like writing.

Natalie and I are holding down the Tucson fort although it hasn't been easy. I think Natalie is stressed by all the transitions, by the absence of her daddy. I can't say I blame her--I feel the same way. But I don't get to throw a tantrum about it and I wish that she wouldn't either. I think we are both pretty exhausted by the end of the day and look forward to turning down the A/C and laying together on cool, fresh sheets on the bed.

Except after she drifts off to sleep, I am left with packing and laundry and dishes and squeezing in some junk tv.

And in the midst of it all, we have even been running! It is desperately hot here now and I wait until the final hour of daylight and then load us all into the car and drive us out to Saguaro National Park. I can squeeze 3 miles in before the sun finally sinks to the far west. It isn't much and it certainly isn't as much as I would like to run but it sustains me for now. It won't be long before I can head out at 6:30pm (when I currently run) and stay out for hours with daylight left to spare.

This week, I am finally feeling cautiously optimistic that everything is actually going to work out okay for us. The last few months have been stressful, with my Hubs looking for a job, me supporting the family, us not knowing where we would be living or how we might financially survive. I panicked thinking about touching my meager savings. It took us so long to get "comfortable"--we both grew up in very modest households with blue collar families. Lower and middle class families have to work harder than most to succeed, in my opinion, and we were no exception. In the last year or so, I felt like we had finally made it. But this spring, my world came crashing down and I thought I was going to have to start over.

I'm not saying we're through all of our troubles yet but I got a job interview. For my dream job. They are flying me up to Tacoma in a few weeks and for the first time, I feel hopeful. I feel excited about the possibilities. For what this job could do for my family.

I don't have the job yet. I might not be offered the job. And then I would be back to my very stressed out stage. But, this small little token was just what I needed to help me push through the final weeks of my life here in Tucson. It reminds me that I absolutely, unequivocally believe in fate. And that is what is meant to be will always, always happen. And this IS what is supposed to happen! And I am very, very glad for it.